Monday, October 12, 2009

"Manicured nails to set the pedicure off, she's fly effortlessly"

I wanna be fly effortlessly!

Okay, so apparently I've been slacking off. I do love the drama and it's time for the panic to begin. Woot! People to see, things to do. Many things I might have possibly left too late. Ah, life. What will be will be.

List time! TO DO:
- renew driver's licence
- get eyes checked
- boxes (from U-Haul?)
- get computer fixed
- call moving companies
- passport?
- go to dentist
- call lease company
- get car serviced
- get tire fixed
- call ICBC
- call Canada Post re address change
- haircut
- start packing
- plan
- plan
- plan!
- wash car

People I need to say goodbye to:
- Joe
- Sheena
- Jacquie & Debbie
- Ian
- Marg
- Jim
- Gayleen & Chris
- Julie
- Rebecca
- Dycks
- Fabe
- Jane & Harry
- Core Cluster Group
- Lisa

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