Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Honey, your odds go up when you file an application"

Had lunch with Julie today. She told me a story about some of her friends and, I have to say, I've never been more impressed with her as a person. Not that I ever doubted her for a minute. I guess I have been confronted with so much hypocracy and been so overly bothered by it that it was almost a relief to know that it isn't everywhere, in everyone. I was starting to wonder if I was just going to have to accept that it's just the way things are. But it's not. We make choices. Those choices are what define us. And I'm proud to call Julie my friend and to know that she is such a good friend to others. Sounds a bit melodramatic, I know, but it's given me hope/faith back.

On a lighter note, Julie is considering joining me for my trip or even for part of it. Don't know if it will work out timing-wise so I guess we'll just have to see how it all pans out. My only concern? Can she handle watching "Twilight" on an almost daily basis? ;-)

Starting to get a wee bit tense about hiring a moving company. Time is getting short - I hope I can find someone who can pick up by the end of the month. My computer is still broken and, in this electronic age of no phone books, I've fallen behind. Julie lent me her Yellow Pages so I'll have to get on the horn tomorrow. Want my dang 'puter back! I'm starting to feel disconnected. It's amazing how limited it makes you. Luckily, I have eternal faith that things will work out so I'm not losing sleep over it.

In other news, I ordered some winter tires today. The idea had crossed my mind a time or two but I saw a sign saying winter tires are required on the mountain passes. And, after all, I am moving back to winter!

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