Friday, December 18, 2009

Why I can't keep my big mouth shut

I've been thinking a lot about opinions and being "opinionated" the past couple of days. I figured out a while ago why people think I am opinionated. It's because I voice an opinion. But I just realized that not everyone else does.

WTF? It doesn't mean I think I'm right about everything. It doesn't mean that I think the other person is wrong. I'm just saying this is what I think. It never really crossed my mind that everyone doesn't do this so if the person I was speaking with didn't voice their opinion, I assumed they agreed or they couldn't care less. Either way, whatever. It's an opinion.

I spent Wednesday running errands with Andrew. I think we've been getting along pretty good since I moved here - better than I expected - but I can see that I am wearing on him sometimes. And he is wearing on me most times. Why? Consider this:

We went to the video store. The last time we were there, the clerk told him about this new deal that can save him money. He said okay and everything seemed good. We get out to the Jeep and he starts bitching and complaining about it (what he was bitching and complaining about is another story entirely because ???? seriously?? anyways...). This time at the video store, the clerk spoke again about the deal. Andrew is nodding and being polite but I knew that he had questions he wasn't voicing. So I asked the question for him. And the clerk answered the question and, as far as I was concerned, the matter was cleared up. And we left. After he starts his bitching spiel and says something like "I can tell you thought they were full of shit, too." Huh? Because I asked a question? Asking a question is being mouthy or something in your world? What the fuck?

When something pisses people off, why can't they just question it? Chances are pretty great that what is bothering you was caused by some kind of miscommunication. Or whatever. You can stay pissed off. But not speaking to the people involved and spending the next fucking hour complaining about it to everyone else isn't helping too much, is it?

Why am I happy in my life? Because if something is bothering me, I speak to the parties involved and straighten things out. HOW IS THAT NOT NORMAL? How is that opinionated or difficult?

I don't understand people? How can someone as smart as Andrew be such a fucking idiot????

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