Friday, December 18, 2009

@Beviekins vs @Befralee

I find it very interesting how different my Twitter experience has been this time around. Without keeping track of how many stars I receive (I see stars on individual tweets but not grand total, I can see both on other people's profiles), I find myself in a much happier place. A much kinder place.

Here's what's different:
1. I use ! way, way more often
2. In two weeks I have given more than twice as many stars as I did the whole time I had the other account! That means I'm laughing more and competing less
3. I tweet for me, without worrying about pleasing the "cool kids"
4. I am following twice as many people as are following me. Before I constantly watched the ratio and when my followers list was bigger than my following list, I made sure it stayed that way
5. Same thing for stars. I hardly get any stars now in comparison. Of course, since the uprising, less stars are being given in general but the number is still less. But I like the things I say now, last time not so much.

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