Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fat? Or just plain stupid?

How hard my heart must be working to get blood through my body. Sitting still for at least 20 minutes and my heart was beating as if I just walked up the stairs or like I was nervous. Yesterday I thought it was odd that my leg fell asleep while I was eating dinner. Last night I was lying in bed reading and my heart started pounding.

What am I doing? Sitting around whining that I don't look good enough? I wonder how I'll look in that casket after my heart attack. Seriously, let's get some priorities in order here. Yes, blah blah blah want to look good in my bride's maid dress at Debra's wedding. Yep, want to wear clothes from a normal people's store. Ya, sick of these rolls everywhere. Whatever. How about heart disease is rampant on both sides of my family? How about...

- how about how sick I am of having this conversation? Just get off my back, me!

- smarten the fuck up and I will. Well, probably not. But smarten the fuck up anyway. You big fuckin baby.

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