Tuesday, December 29, 2009

I love Ian and Reciprocal stars

Back to counting stars on Twitter. (Obviously that personality test was correct... I have no self control. Fun!) Anyway, I get such a kick out of reciprocal stars that I can barely stand it! It's awesome. To watch these people... how do people survive like this? Because you make me laugh and I give you a star, you think you have to turn around and gratuitously give me two stars back? How will these people ever progress in life? And, I realized in amazement, many of them do. Most of them are probably progressing faster than me!

But are they progressing better? Ha! Ain't no fuckin' way, momma!

Okay, and I have to say this because I know that you are trustworthy and won't tell anyone else - I really dislike someone on Twitter (I can't say her name because someone else might read this and I don't want to hurt her feelings). Someone who's birthday is today, BTW. I don't actually follow her but she follows me. I used to. I just found her irritating so I dumped her. Everyone seems to just love her... of course, I read her @ replies and there are quite a few who feel the same as me. But that's just mean to say it. It won't change anything and it will make me look like a bitch. I guess some people don't care about that but I would never be able to take it back and that would make me feel really bad. (Thank you for that lesson, Dianne Bolton)

Anyway, she's the one who really got the whole star fiasco started. She is the one I was talking about in my post back in November. I'd give her one star and she would star everything I ever said. Drove me crazy! I don't want your fucking stars if you don't read my shit, man. Stop fucking patting me on the head. I want to make you laugh. I want you to genuinely connect with something that I say. Or to feel better about yourself, even. That's why I'm here. That's what this means to me. And you are soiling it.

Is that what people often call my high horse? I love that. Seriously. It will never cease to amaze me how ostracized I am because I like to work, I like to learn, I like to do better. I like to challenge myself, I like to try new things, I like to shovel snow, I like to Sudoku in pen. I like to improve and be better than I was before. I like to do my little part in making the world a better place. How sad that people find that wrong.

That's the very reason I'm so awesome. That's why I know I'm awesome. That's why I think I'm awesome. That's why I believe that I am awesome. I try because that's where I get my self worth and that's why I am succeeding in this thing we call life. Sometimes I suck - I couldn't fucking complete a 1-star puzzle today... beginner level - but I keep trying until I don't suck anymore. Or I get over it with full intentions to go back at it when I can - like learning to play the piano - and I'm not just saying that.Or I realize that it's not for me or that I'm not really enjoying myself and find something that suits me better.

Why is that wrong? Because you are either giving a gazillion stars so that you are gifted a gazillion back or you are standing in the back of the line saying "Oh, well... nice guys finish last so why even bother trying." Nice guys, my ass. Losers finish last because they aren't trying to win. I have absolutely no problem being 5th or 6th or 25th or even 525,677th. As long as I have tried and didn't finish last because all I would do was stand on the sidelines crying foul, I am perfectly fine with where I place. Go ahead, test me on it.

So, absolutely no sarcasm intended, give me reciprocal stars. I will take any star that you want to give me if it makes you feel good. Or don't give me a single one because you don't want to help your competition. Maybe that's what 'trying' means to you. Or maybe standing at the back of the line, whining and making up excuses is what makes you... you. That's okay. Go ahead. Be you. Because I'm gonna be me - no matter how much you complain about it.

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