Thursday, November 19, 2009

An open letter to my beautiful boyfriend, Rob Pattinson

Hello my darling!

It's good to see you so often lately; I've missed you. I know the other women make you a little weary - they scream at you like they know you, speak to you like you care - but you know that, deep down, I really don't give a shit. Don't get me wrong, you are obviously the hottest man on the planet (that hot-nerd thing you do just fucks me up). But I don't need to know you. Actually, I don't want to know you. You exist in my fantasies and that's exactly where I want you to be.

There is something that I want you to know, though, because I see you out there with the screaming fans and adoring crowds. I want you to know that I fear for you, Rob. I fear for you.

It has happened again and again with young performers who rise to fame too quickly. They fall for the hype and forget why they are here. They develop destructive addictions - perhaps for entertainment or out of sheer boredom at first, but then they need it to cope; then to survive and then to die. They come to believe that they are the gods people try to make them out to be. They learn the hard way that they are merely human and fallible; they get in over their heads and come to need this adoration which has been bestowed on them.

You are living a fantasy life right now and I hope you are enjoying it but you need to keep your eyes open. You need to understand this fame that has exploded on you. You need to be strong in yourself to make it through intact. While these females are completely justified in their adoration of you, you need to understand what a shaky pedestal it is that they have put you on. And, like all things in life - good and bad - this, too, shall pass.

This passing will not be a reflection on you or your talent but a reflection on human nature. It is the way of the world that, as your fame shall rise, it shall also fall. It has to; it is as uncontrollable and as inevitable as the passing of time. And I think that, to some degree, you look forward to the calming of the craze so that you can get on with your career and get on with your life.

The important fact that these fans seem to miss is that this is your job. And it is a very difficult and demanding one. They believe that it is *you* coming into their living rooms and their bedrooms, they believe that they know you but all they know is their perception of you. They only know who they want you to be. And many of them don't seem to be able to grasp that. I hope you have someone in your life who really knows you, who loves you and supports you for who you are. I hope you come from a strong and supportive family. I hope you have friends who allow you to be yourself so that you can hold on to that person. I hope you always remember that this is what you do, not who you are.

Enjoy this fame, Rob. Squeeze every bit of joy and money and adoration and confidence and exposure that you can from it. I know that you have the talent that it takes for longevity and a solid acting career. And I think that you have the gumption to withstand the crap that comes along with it. If you don't, go get it - or run. Whatever you do, know that you make me want to touch myself in a way that no actor ever has. But also know that I haven't had sex in about 18 months so I'm feeling pretty slutty right now. Just, like, FYI or whatever. Tee hee.

I am sending this out into the universe with much love and best wishes for your future happiness - trust me, when you have true happiness, all the rest is just gravy.

Oh, and just one more thing, my sweetheart. Probably not the best time to scratch your ass. I'm just sayin'.

Kisses, Bef xxx

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