Wednesday, November 25, 2009

♫♫Burn the fuckin' house to the mother fuckin' ground!♫♫

I'm so bored with myself today. And I hate that. I don't agree with boredom, it bores me. There are a million things I could be doing but I'm just not in the mood.

I want out! I want people! I want excitement! I want... something else. I want to move forward, I guess. But that's not going to happen while I sit here and whine.

What is it in me that makes me want to stamp my feet and have a tantrum sometimes? And what is it that makes me think that as soon as I am not in a great mood that I have to do something about it? Try to figure out how to fix it, how to make it better, how to make it stop?

Maybe sometimes I'm just not in a good mood. And maybe that's just life.  And maybe some days are just better than others. I think I have always lived my life in such extremes that the inbetween times weird me out. I have to be enormously happy or a puddle on the floor. That I get. That I understand. Nothingness? Is. Just. Boring.

Go read a fucking book already, you big baby. *grins*

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