Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Horoscope, Interpreted

Try to make sure you get some quality time to yourself today, Scorpio. Your nature is one that thrives on intense thought, creativity, sexuality, and emotion. Without adequate time alone in a space that’s comfortable for you, you may begin to feel worn out. Such things as irritability or withdrawal can be strong indicators that it's high time you were alone with yourself. Make some plans for this today.


I learned this about myself a few years ago. Now I take time for myself when I need it... generally anything that goes with singing fits the bill: driving, Sudoku puzzles, staring at the wall.

1 comment:

Magnus said...

I guess we all need time for ourselves. And at times we need alot of it. And I think we need it most when we can't have it. And we have it when we don't want it. The trick is to make time for it, when you need it. If you've mastered that, I envy you.