Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Model of me

And then I see this picture of a beautiful woman with an amazing body and I want that. I want that. But she didn't start where I am. But there are people who started where I am - bigger, way bigger - that do get that.

But let's stop and do some math here, Bevie.

Chips: 50g (36 chips) = 280 calories, 18g fat
The whole bag: 320g = 1,792 calories, 115.2g fat
Plus the dip - don't forget the dip! = 319 calories, 17.7g fat
And there was chocolate, too = 480 calories, 36g fat
So far, we are at 2,591 calories, 169g fat
Shall we continue and add in the KFC?

You don't have to be this girl:

but you could be this girl:

or even this girl:

but if you eat like that, you will be this girl:

There is a middle ground, is all I'm saying.

Quick rule of thumb, if you are fumbling to hide the food when someone comes home? Probably too much food. There is a reason that you won't eat it if someone else is watching, isn't there?

Or, you know what? Strike that. Eat it. Hide it. Do whatever it is you want to do.

The girl in the blue has just as much of a right to be happy as the girl in the green. But the moron in the white? She was happy. She. Was. Happy.

So recognize that you are making a choice.

And, whatever that choice may be, please make a choice to be happy.

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