Monday, September 21, 2009

How to feel good sober

Well, I guess the switch is official (reference Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog... final clip when my nephew said "See? His personalities switched"). I wake up every morning - and usually several times during the night - absolutely bursting with ideas of things I want to write, things I want to do, ready to strap on those sneakers and hop on the Turbo Jam party train.

It's hard to imagine the hell I was in at this time two years ago... fucked up on pot and food and the remnants of wayward brain chemistry, hating my world and everyone who had the gall to be in it. The only time I was okay was when I was stoned with a chocolate bar in one hand and a penis in the other. Sober, I longed for the way I felt when I was high... so I decided to figure out if it was possible to feel like that all the time, sans BC green.

The answer is a big resounding yes! Yes, it's possible to feel good and at peace without getting high. Don't get me wrong... it was a long road... a looooooooong road but I made it. The switch became apparent over the past few months when I started hating my thought patterns and actions when I was high... I cut out the pot and... ah, absolute freedom. And it only took about 23 years! But I know it will be with me for the next 23 years and beyond.

Way to go me!

Sober - Pink

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